Friday, May 22, 2009

FEMA Is Not Your Friend

No matter how the media tries to convince you that FEMA is an organization that is here to help you in a time of emergency and that they care about you, you need to realize that there is a dark side to FEMA. This organization is controlled by the very same shadow government that controls our president. If you are a christian, a jew or someone that refuses to go along with the plans of the New World Order, you need to BEWARE of FEMA. They will become your worst nightmare.

Lee Rogers

Rogue Government
February 13, 2008

The U.S. government continues to expand its plans to setup a nationalized concentration camp system under the guise of emergency management. FEMA has already come a long way in establishing their concentration camp system, but now it looks as if they might be trying to figure out a way to transport people to these facilities. A disturbing revelation from a FEMA official confirmed that the institution is looking at ways to use passenger trains to get elderly and sick people out of harms way during an emergency situation. According to an Associated Press report, FEMA official Glenn Cannon made these revelations testifying in front of a congressional subcommittee in New Orleans. Although this might seem like a relatively minor development, it is actually very serious considering preparations the U.S. government has already made for martial law and the establishment of FEMA run concentration camps. Looking back in history, the Nazis used trains to transport large groups of Jews to concentration camps where many of them were put to death. It appears as if FEMA is moving in the direction of setting up a similar transportation system that could take not just the sick and elderly but all sorts of people to these concentration camps.

Below is the entire Associated Press report on this subject.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency may expand use of passenger trains to evacuate the elderly and sick if hurricanes threaten the Gulf Coast. FEMA official Glenn Cannon today testified before a congressional subcommittee in New Orleans. Cannon says FEMA is looking at passenger trains as a method to get people with physical impediments out of harm’s way. New Orleans has become something of a guinea pig for train evacuations. After 2005’s Hurricane Katrina, Amtrak was hired to be on hand if another hurricane struck — to evacuate people with special needs. Cannon says FEMA is now devising disaster plans for other Gulf Coast cities based on the New Orleans model. City officials say Congress and FEMA should create a national plan to use trains in disasters. According to this report, it appears as if New Orleans was a test model to setup train evacuations. Cannon even admits that FEMA is devising similar disaster plans based off of the New Orleans model. With city officials saying that Congress and FEMA should create a national plan to use trains to transport people in emergency situation, this should immediately draw a great deal of concern. The U.S. government and FEMA failed to help people during Hurricane Katrina, so why should we put any trust in what they are doing now with these train evacuations? Cannon says that this is only for the elderly and the sick, but can this really be believed? In fact, considering the track record of FEMA, the true purpose of this organization appears not to be a vehicle to help people during an emergency, but instead to ensure government continuity and be the administrative and executive arm of the government during a martial law scenario. During the Iran Contra hearings in the 1980s, the existence of a plan called Readiness Exercise 84 (Rex 84) was revealed. Rex 84 outlined a plan for concentration camps which would be placed under the operational control of FEMA should martial law need to be implemented. It is a matter of public record that a number of these concentration camps do exist. In fact there are even some reports indicating that there are hundreds of these FEMA run concentration camps. Video of these concentration camps indicate that they have fences with barb wire pointing inward so people that are in the camps can’t get out. Also, many of these concentration camps are accessible via rail which will allow them to conveniently transport large amounts of people into these facilities. The fact that we already have concentration camps in the United States many of which are accessible by rail makes it pretty obvious what these people have in mind. They need to have a system in place to transport large amounts of people to these concentration camps during a martial law scenario. All the evidence indicates that they are in fact setting up a concentration camp system for this purpose and it is comparable to what the Nazis setup in Germany. Whatever you do, do not go to a government run FEMA camp. If you do, you might end up dead like the Jews in the Nazi death camps.

Portable Prison

FEMA is Preparing for Something

FEMA preparing for mass graves in Indiana near Chicago:

Mass graves being prepared in Arizona:

FEMA concentration camp in Beech Grove, Indiana

(there are over 600 of these camps across the U.S.):

FEMA stockpiling plastic coffins:

FEMA used Hurricane Katrina as an excuse to have the military illegally confiscate guns, even from those people who were not affected by the hurricane:

FEMA is even recruiting pastors to assist them in their diabolical plans. Watch this video report:

Church Organization Refuses To Divulge

If Pastors Are On FEMA Payroll

Member expressed concerns about martial law training,

told information was “privileged”

Church Organization Refuses To Divulge If Pastors Are On FEMA Payroll 020209top

Paul Joseph Watson
Monday, February 2, 2009

A large church organization has refused to divulge how many

of its pastors are on the FEMA payroll, after a member

expressed concerns about religious leaders being used to

condition their congregation to accept the declaration of

martial law.

In a May 2006 story we first broke the shocking news that FEMA

was training pastors and other religious representatives to

become secret police enforcers who teach their congregations

to “obey the government” in preparation for a declaration of

martial law, property and firearm seizures, and forced relocation.

Despite debunkers and urban myth websites claiming the story

was a hoax, it was confirmed in triplicate by mainstream news

outlets over a year later.

A KSLA news report confirmed that Clergy Response Teams are

being trained by the federal government to “quell dissent” and

pacify citizens to obey the government in the event of a declaration

of martial law. Concerned about such developments, a member

of the California-based Worldwide Church of God, an organization

that boasts 64,000 members in 860 congregations in about 90 countries,

asked if any of the church’s pastors were involved in the FEMA program.

“The head office quickly replied hastily within an hour by telling

me, “Sorry, that is privileged information”, the man states.

“The reply was in big bold script like I’ve never seen before in emails.

I was also a bit put off by the word “privileged.”

“I responded to the stated email and reworded my request

slightly by demanding, “are there ANY of our pastors on the

payroll of FEMA , YES or NO.” Their first response came after

about an hour. But, it has been almost 24 hours and I am still

waiting for my church’s second response to my second request,”

he adds.

It seems that church groups are reticent to let slip any information

concerning the issue of pastors being trained to help manage a

state of martial law following the controversy stirred up by the

exposure of the program in 2006. Indeed, the pastors that took a

risk by first divulging the information to us were later threatened by

Homeland Security and told to keep their mouths shut.

With new legislation in Congress pending that will mandate the

set-up of a network of FEMA camp facilities to be used to house

U.S. citizens in the event of a national emergency, along with

the announcement that tens of thousands of active military

personnel are to be placed inside the United States under

Northcom, partly for purposes of dealing with “civil unrest”

and “crowd control”, fears about a state of martial law being

prepared are no longer the fantasies of paranoid conspiracy

theorists, but an all too real possibility as we move towards

the end of the first decade of the 21st century.