Saturday, May 9, 2009

The Dark Forces Behind Barack Obama

Have you noticed the symbolism in the actions of Barack Obama, such as why he chose Berlin, Germany to give a speech, or why he chose the city of Denver, Colorado to sign the stimulus bill? This date is significant because February 17, 2009 falls upon one of the most important Illuminati astrological ‘signs of great changes’ with the conjunction of Mars and Jupiter, and which in its most simplistic sense means with the conjunction of Mars and Jupiter, you have an abundance of energy and enthusiasm to take on tasks that would frighten all but the most courageous.

Listen to this 10 minute conversation between Rick Wiles ( and J. R. Church ( concerning the dark side of Barack Obama. It will make you stop and think:

I believe he chose Denver, Colorado to sign the stimulus bill because it is one of the most occult cities in the country. Watch this short documentary about the Denver International Airport:

Part 1

Part 2 (will definitely get your attention!)