Thursday, January 28, 2010
Could Vancouver 2010 be the next 9/11?
WARNING: I now believe I have reasonable grounds to suspect there may be a “false flag” attack carried out during the Olympics in Canada. The games will take place in Vancouver and Whistler from Feb. 12th until Feb. 28th. Below, I have compiled the following suspicious activity by searching and analyzing the news from various media sources and by speaking with citizens in Canada themselves.
In my opinion, an attack on the Olympics while it is being highly guarded would be the perfect way to bring in more police state measure and to more fully integrate the US and Canada into a functioning North American Union. But the question remains, is that really what is happening right now?
I hope you will look at the information and make up your own mind as to what pattern you see unfolding, any information provided is for analytical and educational purposes only and is meant to raise public awareness of current events and the potential dangers they could present.
Two tons out of 6,000 tons of Ammonium Nitrate, (a material used in making powerful explosives) have gone missing from a shipment to a storage facility in the Vancouver area from a company that was recently bought out for $22 billion by some of the world’s largest financial companies. These companies are Goldman Sachs, AIG, The Carlye Group and others. The company that was purchased is called Kinder Morgan. Kinder Morgan didn’t report the two tons missing for over a month, when they did report it they came back a week later only to say they simply made a “clerical error”. Soon after the announcement, the RCMP started their investigation and came back saying they can’t confirm that it was really accounted for. Kinder Morgan has also tried to point out that they are only one company in the chain that had contact with the shipments. 250 truckloads were reportedly sent to Dyno Nobel (an explosives company) for packaging. There were also trucking companies hired to ship the product that the RCMP is attempting to track down. To put this into perspective, it is claimed that only one ton of this material was used during the Oklahoma City bombing, and now two tons are missing. That amount is more than enough material to cause substantial damage to numerous locations. With all of this said, the question arises, who has the capability and the motive to steal two tons of Ammonium Nitrate? (Ammonium Nitrate not confirmed to be accounted for) (Kinder Morgan bought out by financial giants)
2.) The media is suddenly going wild about how Al-Qaeda terrorists in Afghanistan are now using Ammonium Nitrate for explosives and the Afghani government has banned the use of the material. Afghanistan has also banned the use of Ammonium Nitrate for fertilizer due to this problem. There are many articles like these. (Al-Qaeda behind recent Ammonium Nitrate bombing) (Afghanistan bans Ammonium Nitrate fertilizer)
3.) Right on cue, as if it were a screenplay, and four days before the State of the Union address, the guy you have all heard of since 9/11, haven’t seen in a long time and who is probably dead, Mr. Usama Bin Laden ladies and gentlemen, give him a round of applause! He just came out in what is probably going to turn out to be yet another faked video and predictably praised the underwear bomber that burned his genitals in a failed bombing attempt on Christmas Day of 2009 and said the attacks will continue until we stop supporting Israel. In fact, look just how effective these guys are, they can get our freedoms taken away by our own governments, simply by penetrating our security and hurting only themselves in the process, clever aren’t they? (Bin Laden, just in time)
4.) In a recent development Canadian parliament has been prorogued (A term where they are suspended typically in order to make new legislation and where all governmental power resides within the office of the Prime Minister.) until March 3rd (Remember that date.) after the games. The Prime Minister has also been given the sole responsibility for making the judgment call to shoot down any high jacked aircraft; normally this is not his responsibility.
This is strangely the same as before 9/11 where Dick Cheney was given control of the military air defenses for a short time due to war games being conducted, and he denied the request to shoot down the plane approaching the Pentagon. This was testified to by Transportation Secretary, Norman Mineta in front of the 9/11 Commission, though no mention of this was given in the final report you can still watch the video of his testimony. (Parliament Prorogued) (Dick Cheney on 9/11 info) (Norman Mineta before the 911 Commission) (PM in charge)
5.) On February 14th, 2008, Canada and the US signed an agreement which allows for the deployment of US troops inside Canada.
And if the military wasn’t enough, police officers are allowed to come join in now.
Headline: New maritime security law will deputize U.S. officers “in every part of Canada” during integrated operations. (North American Union anyone?)
“On November 27, Public Safety Minister Peter Van Loan and Justice Minister Rob Nicholson tabled legislation that would transform designated U.S. police and security agents into peace officers equal to the RCMP “in every part of Canada” during joint maritime border operations.”
The Olympics in of 2010 will be a “joint maritime border operation”.
6.) British Columbia’s privacy office has been frozen, leaving the government unaccountable, says a leaked letter.
“Operations at the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner have ceased, leaving British Columbians with no independent office to hold the government accountable, says a leaked letter marked “Extremely Urgent” to the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly. The letter, sent Friday, is from the executive director of the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner, Mary Carlson, and is addressed to Bill Barisoff. She said staff have shut down the whole operation to avoid any legal issues that could arise from reviewing cabinet files or law-enforcement information. Their duties also include opening appeal files and privacy complaints, securing and reviewing records on the subject of an appeal, authorizing time extensions to respond to access requests and policing the timeliness of government responses to access requests.”
7.) Hospitals cancelled 2,400 elective surgeries to make room for apparently, much expected patients needing surgeries during the Olympics. Of course, public relations is blaming them for doing it for other reasons like saving money. They say that even if that makes no sense, because the government had no problem spending well over a billion dollars on the Olympics, they are clearly not hurting for money, even if that is what some people think.
8.) It seems that people may be getting tipped off or have prior knowledge already! What are they afraid of if the largest joint security operation ever taken on by Canada and the US is there to protect them? “Obama is not alone; presidents and prime minister of other countries around the globe are sending representatives as well.”
9.) The same Israeli company Verint, whose camera systems were on buses and the London underground and inconveniently (for us) malfunctioned on 7/7/05 during the London Bombings, was the same company to install cameras in Vancouver Airport, the subways in Montreal, and other key locations around Canada. Also, worthy of noting is that in the past, during a large terrorist attack where their systems are installed, as the DOW goes down, stocks at Verint have always shown to have gone up. They are said to be connected to the Madrid bombings on 3/11, as well as 9/11. In more interesting news about Verint’s systems,
“It appears that there is a backdoor in Verint’s system that can be accessed any time from any where. Still the U.S. continues turning the other cheek and allowing it to happen.” (Verint stock and other info)
article_level1_category_id=7&article_level1_id=245&pageno=1&year=2002 (Verint press release on Vancouver Airport contract) (Backdoor in Verint security systems) (Verint 7/7 bus camera malfunction) (Verint press release on London Underground contract)
10.) Security measures have been increased to an historic all-time high with a budget of $900 million dollars, amid financial turmoil. Security includes the foreign United States military using NORAD to secure the air, purchases of 800 CCTV security cameras, new fences, two remote submarines to check for underwater threats and even bomb sniffing dogs. Canadian military with warships, black helicopters and fighter jets have been seen floating and flying around the Vancouver area already in January causing fear to many Canadians. There will also be tens of thousands of police and private security forces who are reported to be renting schools and trailers to use as bases for their operations.
Strangely enough, regardless of the build-up of security they have undertaken and the threat of attacks, they seem to double-think and claim to not be worried about it that much and are even allowing weaknesses in security to be exploited through the media. The contracted security companies have even been hiring people with zero background in security to help run security at the games, people who will not even have enough time to train properly to do their job. (American troops ready to cross the border in the case of attack) (Big Brother at the Olympics) (Unprecedented security) (NORAD says lethal force is an option) (Law enforcement renting trailers) (Law enforcement renting elementary schools)
(Vancouver Airport Authority Not Serious About Olympic Security) (Strict airport security needed)–security-olympic-screening-assigned-to-novices (Security personnel will be novices)
11.) The corporate/government-controlled media outlets are exaggerating the threat of radical Islamic terrorism and the UK has raised the threat level to “severe”. The media is also throwing around the term “Al-Qaeda” specifically, it almost seems as if they are trying to scare people. In addition, they’ve even said there is fear of a repeat of the 1996 Atlanta bomb blast. (Afraid of a bomb) (Terror threat level raised to severe) (Al-Qaeda attacks being prepared for by the military)
*My explanation of why the media is used to scare people:
The method for control that professional mind manipulators use is referred to as “Problem, Reaction, Solution” and works using basic mind manipulation techniques, like this; first they cause a traumatic event, a good example that relates to this is 9/11. This causes people lots of grief, pain and fear, and when a traumatic event occurs, the mind naturally attempts to figuratively construct what is sometimes called an “amnesia wall” around that event to block it out, this is a way our mind helps us to deal with fear by forgetting about it. But you can’t just forget about it, you have to have a reason that behavior is acceptable in light of the present danger.
Next, the programming is set in place of who is the enemy and who can stop them. The next phase is to cause the people to recall the traumatic event(9/11/01). By suggesting and warning about the possibility it could happen again, they help to reinforce peoples’ fears of having to experience another traumatic incident.
So by causing them to access the (traumatic) memory that their conscious mind is actively trying to block out, this actually causes them to access the programming they were given after that previous traumatic event happened. The programming was set in place for what should happen next in the case that the traumatic memory is ever brought up again. Subsequently, this causes them to chase after the “hero image” (The government in this case.) that was previously set up for them to trust in to save them from ever having to experience another traumatic incident. Thus the people are willing to relinquish their freedom for security.
By doing so they are exploiting natural processes in the mind and exploiting the “Problem, Reaction, Solution” formula for control. In short, it works by creating a problem, getting the victim to respond to the problem, and providing the victim with a predetermined solution to that problem that was created for them, to bring about a desired outcome for the controller.
(Educational book on Neuro Linguistic Programming)
(Educational book on Trauma Based Mind Control)
12.) Olympic protests are being rightly predicted to be held by people who are being labeled radicals, (Who in the public mind have begun being associated with “terrorists” and even labeled “domestic terrorists”.) some of the protesters may truly be radicals, and some have publicly stated that they will use violence to disrupt the Olympic games. Certainly though, not all of the protestors are violent extremists. That to me is suspicious as well, who would publicly call for acts of violence and destruction other than someone who is being protected? As if this isn’t enough, Vancouver Integrated Security Unit basically stated that they would not necessarily rule out using agent provocateurs in protests (another false-flag technique), that is very alarming for the peaceful protestors planning to attend. (Police won’t rule out using agent provocateurs) (Olympic protestors called terrorists) (Anti-Olympic protestor supports violent direct action)
13.) We also have some strange things happening that have proven in the past to be unusually accurate about predicting the future (Ex. Tom Clancy’s novel that predicted the incident between Russian and Georgia). Here, we find a recent novel written about the Olympics being attacked by terrorists in 2010 in Vancouver, setting the precedent that this is something possible and we should expect it and be afraid. This also is used, once again to cause us to recall a traumatic event such as 9/11 (by the Al Qaeda association) and associate it with the new potential traumatic event (Olympics attack) so the same programming about what to believe and how to act carries over. (Olympics attack novel: BC Red Snow)
14.) Another strange thing someone noticed is that we have a Hollywood movie (2012) placed in the year 2012, (a movie about the destruction of the world and the elite leaving behind the masses in protective bunkers only to save themselves) mentioning British Columbia 2010. Why was that put in there? Before 9/11 we saw 9/11 in the movies, on TV shows, in books and in video games. Someone knew a long time ago what was being planned for the future. (2012 clip) (This is an 8 part series showing the Illuminati, New World Order, Freemasonry and 9/11 in entertainment before 9/11 happened, it is very fun to watch.)
15.) I believe that there will still be hundreds of thousands of people in the area on March 3rd trying to get out using the underground rail, boats, planes and other various modes of transportation. This sets the stage as a prime target for a large death toll and mass hysteria. Locals that left on vacation will also be returning home around this time; the events officially end on Feb. 28, 2010.
Also, I want to point out something a bit strange. Notice the pattern of doubled odd numbers with each of the three previous false flag terrorism events; 3/11 in Madrid, 9/11 in New York, 7/7 in London, and possibly 3/3 in Vancouver. Could another false flag fall on March 3rd?
16.) There was a foiled “terror plot” called the “Toronto 18” in which 18 people were arrested and detained. Their plan was reportedly to behead the Prime Minister and use Ammonium Nitrate bombs to blow up targets around Canada. The leader has been sentenced to prison for life and is serving that time, but another walked away free after being sentenced 7 years in prison because of his four years already spent in jail. Why did the judge let someone who states he wants people to die to leave jail? And what has happened to the other 16 people? Could they be agents and the “ringleader” a patsy? It’s not out of the question. (Terrorism conspirator walks free) (Mastermind sentenced to life)
17.) An electrical hydro vault in downtown Vancouver also exploded recently and injured three workers while they were doing “regular maintenance”. Electrical maintenance on a thing they claim isn’t even being used for anything? Now, I don’t know about you, but that’s at least a little bit suspicious to me. Why were they working on something that isn’t even used? I find it even more suspect because in the novel that I mentioned earlier, the author calls for cutting power to certain areas in order to facilitate the terrorist attacks. None of the injured workers have been named or interviewed by anyone at all and the cause of the explosion is still “under investigation” by WorkSafe BC. Could this relate to preparations for an attack? Was it a cover for illegal things happening nearby? Or was it just an accident? (Workers injured in downtown blast)
18.) The Canadian government bought over $1 million worth of tickets, over 3,200 seats, and refuses to tell why, or who gets them, if anyone does. In some seemingly good news, some politicians are refusing to accept tickets as perks because they say it is “inappropriate”. More recently though, “The federal and provincial governments are trying to say that the tickets are only being used to ‘advance government agendas’, as though that admission makes it sound any better.” Now that doesn’t sound suspicious to you, does it? ($1 million in tickets purchased) (Tickets being used to advance agenda) (Government spending money on tickets raises debate)
19.) Originally, tickets were sold out in two days, prices varied but went as high as $750 per event. Soon after, those who purchased the tickets began to resell them online for higher prices, some as high as $5,000. Ticket sales at those prices have been steady for months until a couple of weeks ago. Suddenly tickets aren’t being purchased, and lots of people are selling their tickets! Tickets are now being sold at prices lower than they were originally. Usually, before an event, the price will go up, but apparently people don’t want to go now, why would that be?
(As the Olympics near, people are dreading the games.) Is it possible that after 9/11, spotting false-flag style terrorism is so much easier now that people have been educated and people have begun seen these things on their own? Is it that people don’t trust their own governments? It’s becoming very evident that people are losing trust in their governments, and they shouldn’t trust them either. There are scores of sites now popping up warning about this possible attack on the Olympics, and searching for more evidence that this could be a false-flag attack. A friend of mine in the Army at Ft. Bragg, NC said to me in recent months that he believes the US military is preparing for a false-flag attack. Now that was scary for me to hear, because he didn’t go into any more detail than that. Anything is possible, and these things are plausible. We don’t need to be afraid, we just need to get the word out, if we do, this may never happen. The reason it would happen is so it could be blamed on another entity, if they can’t do that anymore, they lose that method and have less power over us. Together by spreading the information about this, we can eliminate the threat of false flag terror take away that weapon from those who wish to exploit it and we can use this information as a weapon and turn it right back around on them. I would rather nothing happen, but if it does, we’re going to be here ready to answer why we thought it would happen, and ready to turn this event back against them. So please, join in the search for more information, check out the companies involved, check out the people involved, check their connections, check out previous false flag attacks, learn how they work and find out if anything you see this time reminds you of a previous event. Together, we can save the world, one person at a time, wake up to the world around you, and wake up those around you. Thank you.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Why Don't These Kind Of People Set The Example And Kill Themselves?

Martin Amis calls for euthanasia booths to deal with 'silver tsunami'
Martin Amis, the novelist, has compared Britain's fast-growing population of elderly people to "an invasion of terrible immigrants", as he called for ‘death booths’ to be placed on street corners so they can kill themselves.
Amis, who is 60, predicted that "civil war" would break out between young and old within 10 or 15 years because of the pressures of supporting what he described as a "silver tsunami".Britain's population is rapidly ageing.
Between 1983 to 2008 the proportion of people aged 65 or over grew by 1.5 million to 9.8 million, up from 15 to 16 per cent.That trend will accelerate in the coming decades.
By 2033, 23 per cent of the population will be 65 or over. If the population hits 70 million by 2029, as recently forecast by the Office for National Statistics (ONS), that will mean the working population will have to support at least 16 million people of current retirement age by 2033.
The fastest increase is in the "oldest old", who need much more care and support than younger pensioners.
In 1983 there were some 600,000 people in the UK aged 85 or over, according to the ONS, a figure which had more than doubled to 1.3 million by 2008.
But by 2033 the 85-plus population is projected to more than double again, to 3.2 million, the ONS has stated.
Amis asked: "How is society going to support this silver tsunami? There'll be a population of demented very old people, like an invasion of terrible immigrants stinking out the restaurants and cafés and shops."
"I can imagine a sort of civil war between the old and the young in 10 or 15 years' time," he told The Sunday Times.
The author of The Rachel Papers and Money, who has in the past been criticised by Muslims and feminists for his outspoken views, suggested that widespread euthanasia was the solution.
"There should be a booth on every corner where you could get a Martini and a medal" before taking one's life, he said.
Amis is known for his hyperbole, and it is unlikely he meant this as a practical measure.
But his support for euthanasia comes from first-hand experience of friends and family who have suffered from a slow descent into death, most notably Lord Kilmarnock, his stepfather; and Iris Murdoch, the author.
He said of Lord Kilmarnock, the former SDP peer and writer, who died last March aged 81: "My stepfather died very horribly last year ... He always thought he was going to get better. But he didn't get better and I think the denial of death is a great curse."
Of Murdoch, who died in 1999, two years after her husband said she had
He proposed: "There should be a way out for rational people who've decided they're in the negative. That should be available, and it should be quite easy."
He did not think it would be "too hard" to have some sort of test that established a person's capacity to decide their own fate, he said.
Devina Hehir, head of legal strategy and policy at the pro-euthanasia group Dignity in Dying, said: "Like all too many people in the UK, Martin Amis has witnessed the bad death of a loved one.
"The answer to this problem is twofold: we need better access to, and investment in, high quality end-of-life care; and we need a change in the law to allow the choice of assisted dying for those terminally ill, mentally competent, adults who want it.
"Dignity in Dying’s campaign for a change in the law is not about the introduction of ‘euthanasia booths’, nor is it in anticipation of a ‘silver tsunami’.
"Our campaign is about allowing dying adults who have mental capacity a compassionate choice to end their suffering, subject to strict legal safeguards
Friday, January 22, 2010
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Weather Warfare - Beware The U.S. Military's Experiments With Climatic Warfare

Pakistan Paper Blames U.S. For Cold Weather
Norway Time Hole “Leak” Plunges Northern Hemisphere Into Chaos
Pakistan Daily
Jan 13, 2010
Russian scientists are reporting to Prime Minister Putin today that the high-energy beam fired into the upper heavens from the United States High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) radar facility in Ramfjordmoen, Norway this past month has resulted in a “catastrophic puncturing” of our Plant’s thermosphere thus allowing into the troposphere an “unimpeded thermal inversion” of the exosphere, which is the outermost layer of Earth’s atmosphere.
To the West’s firing of this ‘quantum’ high-energy beam we had previously reported on in our December 10, 2009 report titled “Attack On Gods ‘Heaven’ Lights Up Norwegian Sky”.
To how catastrophic for our Planet this massive thermal inversion has been Anthony Nunan, an assistant general manager for risk management at Mitsubishi Corporation in Tokyo, is reporting today that the entire Northern Hemisphere is in winter chaos, with the greatest danger from this unprecedented Global event being the destruction of billions of dollars worth of crops in a World already nearing the end of its ability to feed its self.
So powerful has this thermal inversion become that reports from the United States are stating that their critical crops of strawberries, oranges, and other fruits and vegetables grown in their Southern States, are being destroyed by record cold temperatures. The US is further reporting record amounts of snowfall in what they are now warning may be their worst winter in 25 years.
Reports from the United Kingdom today are, likewise, showing a Nation in chaos as brutal cold temperatures continue to batter the British people suffering under the worst snow blizzards to hit them in almost 50 years. So dire has it become in the UK that their National Grid yesterday issued only its second warning in its entire history stating that their Nation’s gas supply was running out due to this unprecedented event.
Not just to the UK, but also to the entire European Union has this thermal inversion been affecting as reports from that region show continued chaos is occurring due to plunging temperatures and snows. In the UK, also, reports are showing that the military has been called out to rescue over 1,000 stranded vehicles.
Though the Motherland, and its people, are some of the best equipped in the World to handle such severe winter conditions, the Russian island of Sakhalin was inundated this past week by a rare Snow Cyclone setting off no less than avalanches.
But to the worst affected region of the Northern Hemisphere no one has been hit harder than China, where in what is being described as a “soul-destroying snowstorm” this Asian Nation has been plunged into such havoc the entire country has been brought to a standstill. China further reports that the massive snowstorms hitting them are their worst in 60 years and necessitating their military forces to save over 1,400 people trapped when their train became covered in snow. So overwhelmed by this unprecedented event has China become that they have ordered all of their citizens to help with snow removal too.
South Korea has not been spared either as reports from that Nation are reporting their worst snow storms in their modern history of recording these events.
Reports from Japan are also reporting record snowfall in their Northern Regions, where according to one unnamed Kushiro resident, “Snow falls hard here in Kushiro, but this is the most I have ever seen. The snow’s piling up and we’re running out of places to dump it.”
Canada, another Nation used to extreme winter events, reports that the storm that had hit their maritime provinces this past week was so powerful buildings were knocked off of their foundations in what one resident, Tom Jardine, described as being “worse than a hurricane”.
To the long-term consequences of this thermal inversion caused by the West, these reports further warn that by the puncturing of our atmosphere by the HHARP radars our Planet has, also, been “needlessly exposed” to the growing threat posed to us by the giant mysterious object currently approaching us (named by NASA as G1.9) which we had previously reported on in our January 3rd report titled “Russia Prepares For Asteroid Strike As New Comet Nears Sun”, and which has been blamed for the rapid shifting of our Earth’s North Pole that was first documented in 2005.
But to the most critical aspect of these events it surely lies with the Western World’s continued arrogance in regards to experimenting on both our Planets natural species and human beings, and though who may think that they are ‘gods’, are continuing to give evidence that they are acting more like devils.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Obama’s TSA Nominee Targets Anti-Government Christians
Paul Joseph Watson,
President Obama’s nominee to head the TSA and boss the naked body scanners now being installed at airports across the country says that white Christian “anti-government” types will be the primary target of suspicion for authorities.
Former FBI agent Erroll Southers has been under scrutiny following Republican efforts to block his confirmation after it emerged Southers had abused his power to run a database check on his ex-wife’s new boyfriend.
Back in October, Southers told the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee and the Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee, both of whom voted on his confirmation, that he carried out the search because he was concerned for his wife and son. However, after the committees had approved him, Southers admitted that he had lied under oath by failing to reveal that he had personally conducted the search and had done so on more than one occasion, as well as sharing the information with the police (so they could harass the target of the search, according to the Ace of Spades blog).
Given that the potential future head of the TSA has abused his power in the past and then lied about it to Congress while under oath, how can we have any confidence that he will change the climate of corruption and thuggishness that pervades the TSA, as stories of innocent people being terrorized and harassed continue to appear on an almost daily basis?
In a video interview posted to You Tube yesterday, Southers states the the government and the TSA has to “pay attention” not to Muslim terrorists but to “anti-government, anti-abortion, survivalist types” who are “christian identity oriented,” before he links such individuals with neo-nazi white supremacists and people like Buford Furrow, a former Aryan Nations member who killed one and injured three during a shooting at the Los Angeles Jewish Community Center in August 1999.
Southers subsequently throws in Ben Smith, a spree killer who targeted members of racial and ethnic minorities in random drive-by shootings in Illinois and Indiana in July 1999.
“Those groups are groups that claim to be extremely anti-government and christian identity oriented,” added Southers.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Gearing Up For The Mark Of The Beast

Positive ID Seeks Diabetic Guinea Pigs for Chip Implant Study
By Jim Edwards Jan 5, 2010
PositiveID (PSID) is to begin a study of its Health Link implantable microchip in diabetic, hypertensive and obese patients.
The study –like everything else associated with the company formerly known as VeriChip — is bound to be controversial. The Health Link chip is implanted under a patient’s skin. It can be scanned to access the patient’s online medical records. The company’s critics fear the chip will one day become mandatory, leading to a complete loss of medical privacy, or that Americans will be unable to receive healthcare unless they get chipped.
BNET has noted that PositiveID also owns a credit monitoring and identity-theft prevention company, Steel Vault, and that it envisions its chips being linked to Google (GOOG), Microsoft (MSFT) and employers. PositiveID linked credit monitoring and the Health Link chip in its most recent 10-Q.
While PositiveID’s press release gives few specifics, it indicates that the study will have something to do with the Health Link chip and customers of HealthScreenDirect, a company that offers screening for diabetes and high cholesterol. Its says the study will be:
… a prospective, randomized, comparative clinical study that will seek to address improving disease management through the use of appropriate, concise, and up-to-date patient health information available to both practitioners caring for diabetic, hypertensive and obese patients and the patients themselves through the utilization of PositiveID’s personal health record (Health Link) and an electronic medical records system.
PositiveID CEO Scott R. Silverman said in the statement that the study will also advance the company’s in-development glucose-sensing chip. Silverman is doubtless hoping that patients with the chip — and with their health records online — will have better outcomes in terms of managing their diabetes than those doing it the old-fashioned way.
The unanswered question is why health record access — or even a microchip — might improve outcomes for diabetics. Generally, diabetics regularly monitor their own blood glucose and take insulin or other drugs as required. How PositiveID envisions online electronic medical records fitting into the equation is unclear.
Monday, January 4, 2010
Is The World About To Experience A Devastating Economic Collapse?
Is the world about to experience an absolutely crippling economic collapse? That is the conclusion that we have come to after years of research. The truth is that the world economic system is essentially a mountain of debt based on paper money that is backed up by nothing. History has shown that any economy based on debt and paper money will always fall apart in the end - especially when greed and corruption are huge factors in the equation as they are today.
In particular, the United States finds itself in a massive economic mess. It was once the greatest creditor nation on earth, but now it is the biggest debtor in the history of the world. It blows the mind to think that the "richest nation in the world" has become the nation with the most debt in the history of the planet in just one short generation.
But rather than learning the lessons of the past, this current administration is making the long-term economic problems far worse by spending American taxpayer dollars as if they were monopoly money. In an effort to "stimulate the economy" and "bail out" troubled financial institutions, the current administration has put future generations in so much debt that it is basically mathematically impossible for them to ever get out of it.
Not that U.S. corporations and financial institutions are doing any better. They have created a financial black hole known as "derivatives" that threatens to destroy the entire financial system at any moment. Most large U.S. corporations are either so highly leveraged or have so much exposure to derivatives (or both) that even a slight shift in the economic winds can capsize many of them.
Of course we all know about how much of a mess American consumers find themselves in. Credit card debt has absolutely exploded this decade and the majority of Americans now find themselves living month to month. Personal bankruptcies and mortgage defaults continue to set all-time record after all-time record. Millions of Americans are losing their jobs and millions of Americans are losing their homes as the economy continues to implode.
So is there hope for the future?
The U.S. government continues to go into debt so fast that it is absolutely mind blowing. Pension funds from coast to coast are broke. Banks are failing at a frightening rate. Millions of good jobs have been shipped overseas for decades and they simply are not coming back. Without good jobs, the American middle class cannot support the bizarre debt spiral that has kept the U.S. economy going for so long.
What is ultimately going to happen is that the financial authorities will flood the money supply with tons of cash in an effort to "print" our way out of the economic crisis. But all that will do is cause hyperinflation and will absolutely destroy the value of the dollar. All of the accumulated wealth of the American people will disintegrate before their eyes as their dollars quickly become worthless.
So, no, the future is not pretty.
And that is what we will be documenting on this website.
A global economic collapse is coming and it is going to rip the world apart.
You better get ready.